The Legend of Zelda: Dimensions, Part I
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"Dimensions", part 1, chapter 1

The Legend of Zelda: Dimensions

By: The Destined Hero

Part One - Into Another World

Chapter One

It was a bright and warm summer day.  The sun was high in the sky, indicating that it was around noontime.  The birds sang cheerily in the trees and the sounds of the ocean were soothing to the ear.  A single horse, with two riders, trotted toward a grove of trees.

"Oh, Michael!  This spot is perfect!" Catherine said into his ear.

"I told you it was."

The horse stopped gently near one of the trees in the grove.  Michael hopped off first and helped Catherine off the horse.  She had long blond hair and a pretty face with bright blue eyes.  She was a very beautiful woman and Michael appreciated her every time he looked at her.  In her left arm, she carried a picnic basket, with a white and red blanket for the two to sit on.

"Go get that stuff set up, Catherine.  I'm going to tie up the horse."

She gave him a quick little kiss on the cheek and skipped to a clearing in the trees that she felt was ideal for their picnic.  Michael took a hold of the horse's reins and tied it around the nearest tree.  He was of average height for an elf and had brown hair and green eyes.  He was built like a Knight, and he was eager to join their ranks.  Walking to the side of the horse, he grabbed a truffle of food out of the side bag.  He placed the truffle over the horse's mouth.  The horse whinnied.

Michael laughed a little.  "I know, girl.  I hate tying you up as much as you do."  He patted the horse on the top of its head.  "But it won't be for long."

He turned around and began walking over to Catherine when he suddenly stopped.  Catherine saw his action and was alarmed.

"Michael?  What's wrong?"

He answered by putting a single finger to his lips.  She obeyed and remained silent as he stood there.  He cocked his head to the left, toward a thicker grove of trees.  Silently, he waited, but nothing happened.  Giving up, he looked back at Catherine, smiled, and walked over to her.

"What's wrong?" she repeated as he was sitting down beside her.

"Nothing.  Just thought I heard a noise."

She smiled.  "Of course you did, silly!  There are lots of animals around here.  You probably just heard a squirrel or something like that."

Michael looked around, not buying into her simple answer.  Something wasn't right, but he wasn't going to worry about it now.  He didn't want her to worry.  "Yeah, you're probably right.  You're so smart."

She smiled again and reached into the basket and pulled out two sandwiches.  "Here you go.  I made your favorite."

"Grilled Cucco on Rye!" he said excitedly as she handed him the sandwich.  As he took a big mouthful, he saw her staring at him, as if waiting for something.  Quickly swallowing what he had in his mouth, he added, "I mean, thank you."

"You're welcome," she said as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

They sat there eating their sandwiches in silence, each admiring the beautiful scenery and the gorgeous day.  A light breeze blew and the trees rustled.  They could see fisherman hard at work out in the ocean.  The town of Oceana, to their left along the shoreline, was full of life.

Upon finishing his sandwich, he finally decided to go along with his plan.  He politely waited until she had finished her sandwich and looked at him.


"Yes, Michael?"

"There's something I want to ask you," he said as his body began to shake slightly.

Catherine's heart rose in her chest.  She had been waiting, almost yearning, for this moment for quite some time, but she tried her best to not show it.  She didn't want to be mistaken, either.  Her mother always told her "Don't expect too much, or else you will be let down."  It made sense to her.

He reached out and held her hand in his and looked her in the eyes.  "I've wanted to ask you this for a while now.  Catherine.," he quickly jerked his head to the left.  "What the hell was that?" he said loudly.

"Ye. what?"

"That noise. what the hell was that?"

"What noise?  I didn't hear any noise."

Suddenly, every bird in the adjacent grove of trees flew into the air, covering the entire sky.  Michael and Catherine both looked up at it, wondering what was going on.

"Something's not right.  I'm going to check it out," Michael said as he stood up and released her hand.  He ran toward the other grove of trees while Catherine had yet to move.

"Damn it," she said.  "So close."  She got up and headed after him.

She reached the edge of the large grove of trees just a few steps behind him.  The grove was so large that it was almost like a very small forest.  The dense foliage blocked most of their view into the grove, so Michael began walking deeper into it with Catherine in tow.  As they made their way among the trees, they could make out a smooth red glow emanating from somewhere in front of them.  Curious, they headed deeper in, without uttering a single word.  Catherine reached up and grabbed Michael's hand, squeezing it.  As they continued walking, the glow became brighter, and her grip on his hand became tighter.

Stepping past the next set of trees landed them in the middle of a small clearing, totally surrounded by trees.  The point of origin of the glow was now visible to them and they stared at it in awe and wonder, mixed in with some fear and anxiety.

"Michael," she whispered over the low humming of the object.  "What is that?"

"I don't know, Catherine," he said as he inched closer to the mysterious source.  "It looks like some kind of disturbance."

"Disturbance?" she repeated.  "It's beautiful."

The disturbance was a small circle hovering about five feet off the ground and was about a foot wide.  The interior of the circle was illuminating the soft red glow, as it swirled with red and white.  Michael moved even closer to it, slightly to the left side.  He decided to walk around it to see if there was any clue as to what it was.  As he walked around its side, it disappeared, but the glow remained.

"Where'd it go?" he asked Catherine.

"What do you mean?"

"It just disappeared."

Catherine looked at him quizzically.  "No," she said, wondering what had gotten into him.  "It's right there."

Puzzled, Michael walked in front of it again and sure enough, there it was.  He walked back behind it, and it vanished from sight.

"What the hell?"

"What?" she asked as she walked over to him.  As she reached him, she realized what he had seen.  The disturbance was no longer visible.  "How can this be?"

"It's like it's only a two dimensional object," he walked directly beside it.  "Look, it has no thickness."

"I don't like this," she said, fear seeping into her voice.  "Michael, let's go."

"Amazing," he continued as his concentration was solely on the disturbance.  "It's as if it doesn't really exist."

"Michael, please, let's go."

He continued to ignore her and picked an apple from one of the trees.  Tossing the apple up in the air a few times, he tried to guess what would happen if he threw it into the disturbance.  Not sure, and extremely curious, he threw the apple directly into the disturbance.

"Michael!" she whined to get his attention, but to no avail.

As he watched on, the apple seemed to stop in place when it hit the disturbance.  It sat there for only a second or so before it disappeared.

"Interesting," he said to himself.  He moved to within inches of the disturbance and raised his hand to about chest high.

"Michael!  No!  What are you doing?  Are you crazy?" Catherine said quickly, becoming more and more hysterical as he ignored her and messed with the disturbance.

He brought his hand closer to the disturbance and held it there.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, relaxing all of his muscles.  Opening his eyes again, he prepared to put his hand into the disturbance.  He slowly moved closer to it.  As he was about to make contact with it, the disturbance shrunk until it disappeared altogether, as well as the soft red glow.

"Damn it!" he shouted, upset that he didn't get to try his experiment.

Catherine was relieved that the disturbance was gone, and couldn't have cared any less about it.  Finally able to get his attention, she said, "Michael, let's go home."

He stood there, staring at the spot where the disturbance had just been.  Sighing, he said, "Okay, Catherine.  Let's go home."

He grabbed her hand again and led her out of the trees.

*     *     *     *

"Evan!" Link called.  "Evan!  Time for lunch!"

Getting no response from the eleven-year-old's room, Link headed up the flight of stairs.  As he made his way up, Nick was on his way down.

"Hey Link," he said.  "Having trouble getting Evan for lunch?"

"You know it," Link answered with a smile.  "Sometimes I don't know why I bother."

"At least he's learning something up there," Nick said as he gestured to Evan's room.

"Yeah.  It's a little weird though.  Ever since that day three years ago when he helped us dispel the barrier around Ganon's Tower, he's holed himself up in his room."

"I wouldn't worry, Link.  He's just trying to figure out what magical powers he has.  I mean, just look at his mother and father."

Link laughed.  "Yeah, you're right.  Well, go get some lunch, Nick.  I've got to go drag Evan away from his books."

"Good luck," Nick said as he continued down the stairs.

Link arrived in front of Evan's door and knocked hard while turning the knob and opening it.  At his desk, Evan looked up to see his father peering in.

"Hi, Dad."

"Hey, Evan.  How's it coming along?" he asked as he walked over to his son's desk.

Evan placed a bookmark into the book in front of him and closed it.  "I'm not sure.  I know I'm doing everything right, but I can never get anything to work quite the way it's supposed to."

"I'm sure you're doing everything right."

"But I must be doing something wrong, or else these spells would work," Evan replied, almost dejectedly.

Link placed his hand on the back of Evan's head.  "It's going to take time for you to develop your magic.  One day, it'll come to you.  Just wait.  The Goddesses have a master plan for all of us."

"Yeah, well I wish they would hurry up with mine," he said, slightly angry.

"Don't say stuff like that, Evan," Link said calmly.  "Never curse the Goddesses.  They are wiser than anyone could ever be, and they know what they're doing."

Evan gave his father a little smile.  "I guess so."

"That's not good enough.  I guess I'll have to beat it out of you," Link said jokingly as he gave Evan a shove.

"I'd like to see you try!" Evan shouted back, a big smile on his face as he pushed his father back.  The two laughed and messed around for a few more minutes until Link had Evan in a headlock.

"Say uncle!  Say uncle!"

"Uncle!  Uncle!" Evan cried.

Link released his grip and the two laughed some more.

"Come on," Link said.  "Let's get some lunch."

*     *     *     *

Evan didn't get back to his books until later that evening.  He spent most of his afternoon getting fighting lessons from his father and Nick.  He hated those lessons and he often skipped them, much to his father's disappointment.  They were always pushing him to become a great fighter, but he didn't see the need for it.  In his mind, Link would be around forever, so there was no need for him to be worrying about fighting, unless it was with his magic.

He sat down in his favorite chair and pulled himself in front of his desk.  Opening the book where he left off, he began to read the chant and tried to familiarize it with himself.

"There must be something I'm doing wrong.  Just has to be," he muttered to himself.

He read the passage to himself over and over again until he could recite it without even looking at the book.  When he had completely memorized it, he sat back in his chair.

"Well," he said under his breath, "here goes nothing."

He spoke the words, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear him.  As he made his way through the spell, he could feel a strange tingling sensation in his body, just like every other time.  He repeated the chant several times over, trying desperately to make it work.  After a few minutes, he finally gave up and dropped his head onto his book.

"Why can't I get it to work?" he asked angrily to no one.

I will help you.

Evan's body bolted upright in his chair.  Without moving anything else, he slowly turned his head to the left, then to the right.

"Is someone there?" he asked, his voice shaking.  "Hello?"

I'm right here.

He looked all around the room, but found no one.  "Right where?"

Right here.  In your mind.

"In my mind?  How is that possible?  Who are you?"

I'm you.

"What do you mean, you're me?"

I'm your subconscious.

"If you're my subconscious, how come I can hear you?"

Because it's time for you to become a great wizard.  Together, we can make the spells work.

"Right," Evan said sarcastically.  "I suppose I'll all of a sudden get this spell to work."


"Alright, fine.  Prove it."

Chant the spell.

"Okay, okay."

Evan once again recited the spell that he had just recently memorized.  And once again, he felt the tingling sensation throughout his body.

Keep going.  We're almost there.

He continued with the spell, repeating it twice more before he felt the small, tingling sensation become a large sensation.  He could feel the magic around him and he became excited at the prospect of actually completing a spell.  Finally, he felt the sensation die down and he could once again move about normally.

He looked excitedly from one side of the room to the other, but he was met with disappointment.

What's wrong?

"It didn't work," he said frustrated.

On the contrary, it did work.

"Then where is it?"

I'm not sure.  But you'll get better with practice.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.  Evan jerked his head in the direction of the door, fully expecting his father to be standing inside the room, staring at him.  Instead, the door remained closed, and he was thankful.

We mustn't be caught!  Quick, dispel the magic and get the door!

Evan nodded and dispelled the spell with his mind as he walked to the door.  He opened it slowly, wondering whom it could be.  When he finally opened the door all the way, he noticed a castle guard standing at attention.


"Master Evan," the guard began, "it is time for your sister's birthday party and your parents would like you to attend."

"Tell them I'm on my way."

The guard saluted and walked back down the stairs.  Evan looked back into his room one last time.  More specifically, he looked at the book on his desk.  Still unsure if all that had transpired had actually happened and wasn't part of some sort of daydream, Evan turned around and closed his door behind him.

He would try again later.

*     *     *     *

"I'm going, Catherine!  There's nothing you can do to stop me!"

"But Michael."

"No," he said sternly.  "I've got to know what that thing was.  I'm going back to that grove and I'm spending the night there."

"But it could be dangerous," she whined.

"That's why you're not coming with me," he answered.  He opened the door and ran to his horse.

"Please don't go!"

Without even acknowledging her, he sped off toward the grove of trees where the disturbance had been only a few hours before.

".I have a bad feeling," she said quietly.

*     *     *     *

He forced himself awake once again.  He had been nodding on and off for the past two hours as he waited for the disturbance to come back.  He had been there for several hours and the sun was getting close to the horizon.  He shifted his weight on the tree trunk and reached for his canteen.  Taking a small drink, he stared into the space where the disturbance had been.  He desperately wanted to see it again and figure out what it was and why it was there.  Discouraged, he looked away.

"What am I doing?  This has been a huge waste of time."

But rather than pack up his stuff and go back to Oceana, he stayed there, resting up on the tree trunk.  Time was flowing by slowly and he felt his head become heavy again.  Fighting the urge to sleep, he snapped his head up, smacking the back of it against the tree.

"Damn it!" he yelled as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand.  The constant throbbing was enough to make him too uncomfortable to sleep, so he stared into the clearing again.

Another hour passed, and still there was no sign of the disturbance and Michael was becoming more and more impatient by the minute.  Still, he waited silently, as if it would reappear if he was as quiet as possible.  The throbbing in his head had died down some, and he felt the back of his head with his hand again.  The area was still sensitive and touching it only made it worse.  Learning from his mistake, he pulled his hand away.

As he looked into the clearing again, he noticed a small dot that didn't seem natural.  He rose to his feet, dropping the canteen over that had been resting on his lap.  Slowly, he walked up to the dot, but now it had grown.

"This is it!  It's back!" he yelled out to no one.

The disturbance grew to its former self and Michael stood directly in front of it.  Picking up yet another apple, he tossed it into the center of the red and white circle and watched it disappear.  His curiosity got the better of him for a second time and he decided to stick his hand into the disturbance.  But before he could even move up close enough, the disturbance disappeared.

"No!" he shouted as he put both his hands on the top of his head.  "Not again!"  He picked up another apple and threw it as hard as he could over the trees.  "I can't believe I missed the chance again!"

He walked angrily around the clearing, not knowing if he should stay and wait for it to return for a third time, or to call it quits and go home.  However, his decision was made for him as the disturbance opened once again.

He stopped ranting around and moved in close to the disturbance, but he could tell that something was different about it this time.  He watched on, as the disturbance grew larger than it had been the two previous times.  It now was big enough for an entire person to walk through it with no problems.  The soft, red glow covered the entire grove of trees in its light.  He stared at it for a moment longer.

Behind him, Catherine had made her way to the clearing in the grove.  She had become very worried about him and decided to see how he was doing.  When she had reached the grove, she had noticed the same soft glow that she had seen before, and she hurried through the trees.  Now, she made it all the way to the clearing, only to see Michael standing in front of the large disturbance.

"Michael!  No!" she yelled as she sensed what he was planning to do.

He turned his upper body to the right and looked at her.  He smiled, and she smiled back.  They remained in that position for a little longer before Michael broke the silence.

"I love you," he said as he turned and jumped into the disturbance.

"No!" she cried out as she ran toward the disturbance.  His body remained visible and motionless for a second longer, than vanished.  She couldn't bear to be without him.  "I'm coming, Michael!"

When she was close enough to the disturbance, she jumped into the air, directly at it.  The split-second before she came into contact with it, it vanished.  Still in midair, her momentum carried her passed where the disturbance had been, and she fell hard onto the ground.

She curled up in the fetal position, her arms and legs scraped and bloodied, her face strewn with tears.

"Michael," she sobbed, "don't leave me."

She cried more.